Wednesday, February 25, 2015

And so we begin

I had the idea to start another writing blog, which seems a bit like all of the other ideas I get lately, which is to say that I start things and then I don't follow through, or that I start things and then I cannot seem to focus on just one aspect of what they are supposed to be. Or that I start things and then I get bored.

But then I received an issue of The Paper Plane Zine, and I realized that I have already made an issue of my zine, Olly Olly Oxen Free, and that I can make a blog based on the zine, and then also make another issue of the zine, and then post things from the zine here on this blog. I have been feeling the desire to create something lately, which is most likely spurred by my desire to procrastinate working on school stuff. Also, though, I have a need to connect to people, and a need to make words that are read by other people, and I have not been doing enough of that lately.

I used to write on Livejournal every day, which would often generate comments from my friends (real-life and internet-based). When I stopped feeling like that was a safe space for me to write freely, I started writing more poetry, and posting fairly often to my poetry blog . And then I submitted work to Rebelle Society and it got accepted! Before that I had kept a blog for a while, loosely about yoga, over here. And somewhere in there I started a holistic body-care product business and made a real, professional (Square Space) website for it, right here. And then the online store on Squareup followed that.

And then, months went by, and I didn't write anything for public consumption. I worked on my memoir, in private, and knowing that I am not ready to share that with the world yet, except maybe perhaps in small pieces-- a chapter at a time, maybe-- I have realized that I need another project. I would also like to have a place to point people online to read some of my work.

Recently I came across an ad for a food-writer for the New Times, and I let that opportunity pass me by, even though I thought it would be the perfect job for me to start having some work published! The reason? Because I didn't think that I had an adequate writing sample to send them. That is of course bollocks, considering I have been writing blogs and poems and LiveJournal entries for the past thirteen years, consistently.  But I read the words "writing sample" and I thought that it would have to be something that had been published, in order for it to be considered. I also thought that it would necessarily have to be about food. (Although that would probably have helped my chances, not submitting anything clearly harmed my chances, to the point of them being non-existent.) So, in order to prove to myself that I can not only start something, but also stay with it, and in order to get myself to write more consistently, and in order to feel like I am committing myself to something outside of studying for school (which is in and of itself a major time-commitment) I am creating this *brand new* blog. For the zine!  

There is a very good chance that I just like things that are new and shiny. So I will look at this as an experiment. If I can stay with it for six months, posting to it once a week, I will be satisfied that I am able to stick with something even after the shiny wears off.